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We will use the However, owners of an Android or iOS device can't use the Media Creation Tool. Disregard the warning that “you will first need to have a license to install Windows 10.” If you're running a valid copy of Win10, you can download  To download and install version 1803 using Windows Update, do the following: Open Settings. Click on Update & security. Click the Check for  Windows 10 1803版本带来了许多新特性,例如新增了笔迹和输入以及查找我的设备等相关设置,提升了Win10用户管理个人隐私数据的权限,  This article offers you direct accesses to free download and install the latest Windows 10 update of 1809(17763.316)/1803 (17134.590)/1709  With iCloud for Windows, you'll have your photos, videos, mail, your PC or Microsoft Surface is updated to the latest version of Windows 10.

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